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Getting Things Moving

Once there is clarity about God’s present ministry call to a church, the next step involves two things:

First, identifying specific ways that the church can fulfill its call within its local ministry context.

Second, implementing a structure of support and accountability for leadership which helps to ensure that the church continues to follow through on its call.

Our experience with vital churches provides us with a wealth of ideas, suggestions, and, sometimes, cautionary tales about church and denominational ministries.

We offer both. Our experience with vital churches provides us with a wealth of ideas, suggestions, and, sometimes, cautionary tales about church and denominational ministries. On-going coaching of both clergy and lay leadership dramatically increases the likelihood that the ministry will focus on those areas which will lead to the transformation of individuals, communities, and the world.

This is an integral part of our Discover >> Discern >> Define >> Deploy approach to church vitality.

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